
Jun 1, 2010

I Won Something!!!

I recently happened across a few gluten free blogs, and this was one I got stuck on for a bit. She is one of the many many gluten free goers that suffer from other autoimmune disorders on top of celiac. My heart goes out to her, I know so many people with "complications" like that! She is also addicted to Diet Coke, and I laughed out loud reading that because I have had to lower my intake of Coke and it makes my entire family laugh out loud when I walk out of a store without a coke, because I will inevitably ask hubby to get me one on his way home! Love Coke, can't stay away from the stuff! And it's even worse now that I have discovered coke rewards, because I get certificates for free coke all the time now! LOL!

She also has some great links to other gluten free sites that I want to check out, as well as some great food ideas. She seems to eat a much healthier diet than I do, I so love my coke and bread... and meat! I love sauce and meat, we had ribs last night and omg hubby had me drooling. I don't even think there were leftovers! I will continue to link to her blog as I have time to read it - just keep in mind I am busy, working from home, learning how to homeschool, speech therapy with the twins, keeping up the house, oh yes but if you are still reading you know just how busy moms are!

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