
Aug 31, 2010

A month later

And we are still doing wonderfully on the home schooling front! We have already breezed through Real Science 4 Kid's Chemistry, it was pretty below my 6th grader. Maybe it's because I LOVE chemistry, but this seemed better for a fourth grader!!! Big kid is eating up Saxon 76 math, loves it, and we have so far covered Canadian and US history (well, up to the war of 1812). We are heading south in our history/geography studies, to start on the Inca, Aztec, and Maya civilizations. I just ordered a set of Science Explorer texts, we are going to use the Life Science book this year. I wanted a more complete science text, and this seems to be a good fit! I am looking into Easy Grammar for language arts, I was trying to find a used copy of Analytical Grammar to check out, but now that I have seen one I think Easy Grammar is more his speed for this year. Maybe next year we'll try AG!

I just found a great site, A Well Trained Mind, and am perusing the forums. I am still so new to home schooling I have no clue what all the abbreviations are! People list their children as dd and ds, what does that mean??? I can't even begin to guess at all the abbreviations for the curriculum they use, they might as well be nicknaming all the fish in the sea...

I was very frustrated today, had to drive to two stores (across town) to get one box of gluten free bread mix!! ARGH! I have been craving bread for a week now, I want french toast!!! Haven't had that in decades it seems, and the stupid Kroger near us stopped stocking the mix. They actually told me to buy Bob's Red Mill mix. Do they not understand how awful that tastes?! I want REAL white bread when I buy a mix to make white bread... not bread that tastes like hummus!!! Good lord, I hate having to eat gluten free some days.