
Sep 16, 2010

One of those days...

I really want to make something snacky for myself. Our budget is at a low point and I don't feel like spending nine dollars on a bag of pretzels I will eat but not really enjoy. I don't want fattening snacks all the time, I can make myself peanut butter cookies, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, in a second. I miss snack foods!!! I know, buy rice cakes and peanut butter. I'm sorry, but I didn't even like rice cakes when I could eat all the flavored ones. Fruit - well, I buy that and the kids like it so I don't eat it to save it for them. Cheese and deli meat are gone by day two of being in the house. Ummm, let's see - the one box of cereal I buy for myself (which is always four dollars for a small box while gluteney counterparts are forty nine cents with coupons and sales) I treat like gold, so I don't snack on it dry. I eat one bowl a day and savor my breakfast alone before the kiddos get up. Yes, corn chex are my special treat. Sad, eh?

What's left? I tried making gluten free cheese it type crackers, and after two recipes I found online I realized only cheese its can really taste like cheese its. I want wheat thins, triscuits, ritz crackers, pretzels, something healthy for the love of god!! I know - I can go to any health freak store and spend a million dollars on gluten free food that looks mouth watering and will "suffice" when I open it... but a) we are on a $500 a month food budget right now and b) I don't want to eat food that just barely passes as food! I want the salty buttery goodness of a ritz cracker, the crunch and dry salty wonder of a triscuit. People with celiac disease should be born knowing what they can't eat so they don't taste it, then they won't yearn for real food.

Can you tell I'm having one of those weeks where I'm really food frustrated?