
Oct 4, 2010

Professional Photos

A friend of ours is practicing to become a professional family photographer. Her camera is awesome, she has a great understanding of how to use it, and her photos are awesome! She chose a great outdoor park for us to try first, and we had a good time hanging out and letting the kids play. The pictures she took are really nice, she agreed she needs to work on getting into the kids more, learning what style of composition she likes, and we need to get there earlier to play with lighting. Overall I was very impressed, and can't wait for us to do it again!

We had another "professional" last year take outdoor family photos of the kids and I, and while she took good photos, she played with them too much. They were too bright, our skin looked super white, and she never sent me the log in info to see our gallery on her site. I fussed after five or six months of not hearing from her, emails going unanswered, and she acted like it was my fault that she didn't send me an email. Whatever. I have no clue what her photos looked like, but the four she sent me in the apology email were just about head shots, and if I were to blow them up to hang on the wall anything bigger than 8x10 would make my children look like huge monsters! Not the type of photography I expected from a "pro". We have gone to the picture people before, but didn't like having to spend a fortune for prints. Photography is so overrated!

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