
Jan 10, 2011

Snow in Georgia?!!

Wow - in this photo you see the FIVE INCHES of snow on my car! We live in the south, this NEVER HAPPENS! Hubby said this is the most snow he has ever seen. Me being a yankee I'm used to this, but not in our area! And where I'm from if your governor declares a state of emergency you can't drive on the roads... our neighbors are doing it for fun!! Ugh. Love the snow, hate the cold! I want southern weather back!!! The white Christmas was nice tho, have to give mother nature that one :)

*Update - we are on day three of being snowed in, hubby is none too happy about attempting to work from home, big kid is unhappy that there is so much ice on top of the snow. Thing one and two haven't noticed the difference other than looking at the snow out the sliders, saying "wow mommy snow!" and going right back to whatever they were doing!

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