
Jun 8, 2011

Yummy gluten free snack at home

I realized a few years ago that I just love plain old white rice. I know, I'm weird. I recently started taking leftover white rice and throwing it in the microwave with a slice of american cheese on it, and was amazed at how good the creamy rice that comes out is! I bought some velveeta cheese slices and tried it melted on some rice, and omg am I in love. It's the perfect lunch for me on those days when Big Kid needs a cooked lunch (two grilled cheese sandwiches not asked for at the same time!), and when the twins need EVERYTHING I try to eat. I make plenty of cheesy rice and they eat it with me, and we're all happy!

I wonder what else will turn out amazing with some velveeta melted on it... hmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good idea! Thanks for sharing it. :) My daughter has celiac sprue, and sometimes it is hard to come up with quick lunch ideas. She likes rice, but I wouldn't have thought to put the cheese on it.

    Sometimes, we eat warm white rice with milk and sugar on it.

    Hope you are having a good week!
