
Dec 30, 2011

Bakery On Main

If someone would have told me when I was a teen (ok, even 25) that I would jump for joy when I found a bag of granola at a store I would have laughed in their face! Yet there I was at the grocery store today freaking out because I bought not only two bags but two DIFFERENT varieties of Bakery On Main's gluten free Granola. Yep, I'm officially an old lady now, getting excited about eating granola in the morning. It's the little things apparently. I just got home from a grocery shopping trip and I'm all stupid with excitement - I shopped for myself for once! I'm all Oooooh I can eat granola in the morning, or have mac and cheese tonight, or make kettle corn popcorn for a snack, or eat a fruity pebbles bar for a snack... yes I get that excited over food. Normally I buy the absolute minimum I need, since gluten free food is so expensive and I try to stick to a tight budget. I don't eat much along the lines of snacks, and only have breakfast food until my box of chex runs out. However this trip for some reason fell on a ton of sales, and I was able to spend $160 (seriously it's usually $300) at two stores and get three week's worth of meat, boxes of cereal, snacks, sodas, 4 gallons of milk (lasts 4 days!), I could keep going! I got everything we wanted and stayed well below my budget - that meant I could splurge and get gluten free noodles, snacks, and cereal. I almost got myself a 4 pack of the oh so yummy Udi's blueberry muffins but couldn't stomach the $6.99 price tag. Yet. Don't worry, I'll drool over them just enough to pounce on them when they lower the price even by a dollar HA!

Did everyone else have a good gluten free Christmas? Ours was awesome - kids had an absolute blast and got a ton of presents they just love. Big Kid and I have been having a great time playing Skylanders, he has of course been lost in his new Skyrim game too. Hubby has been staying up late playing his new game, Battlefield 3, while I can no longer keep my eyes open past 10pm. Thing One and Thing Two got a walk in kitchen from Grampa, which they absolutely love. They take turns being the dad and being the son, and make pizza and donuts for each other. They'll spend hours in there with their Mario and Luigi and Toad figurines, doing this or that, making pizza with them or pretending the pizza is a pile of pancakes. It's so fun to see them pretending so much!!

Off to eat some yummmmmy gluten free findings :) Happy New Year everyone!!!


  1. Heppy New Year to you too! Just wanted to make sure you knew about our e-mail club, we send out an e-mail once a month with a coupon attached. You even get a $1.50 coupon right away for signing up. Happy savings! : )

  2. oops...forgot to include the link for you!

  3. WOOHOO! I do love coupons, and can't wait to find out more about the Bakery On Main's products ;) Thank you so much!!!
