
Feb 20, 2012

PreK curriculum and a new homeschool room!

I used to teach GA lottery funded preK. My coteacher and friend had purchased some of her curriculum, and when we left teaching she gave it all to me for my boys. I have kept everything up until today. I was online over the weekend and got serious school room envy looking at another homeschooler's blog. It is time to change!

First of all, I realized I love the pathways preK curriculum. It's so in depth and I am used to it and like it. I'm giving away my Scholastic Early Childhood Program. It's hard to let go of! LOL! Second - when we started homeschooling a year and a half ago, I kept thinking we were homeschooling in our dining room (we use our dining room as our school room). For some reason it seemed more important to keep it a dining room... then this weekend I realized we are in there schooling every day, and use it as a dining room three or four times a year. Why the heck isn't it a school room with a table that can be used as a dining table?!! Shouldn't things be geared towards the child that learns in this room every day? Instead of keeping everything tucked away until we need it I'm going to make everything available for more use, and let it all hang out that we are a homeschooling family (in our dining room LOL!).

Today I woke up ready to rearrange the room, hang posters on the wall, get educational items out and visible. The twins have their own "school room", it is set up with centers like a preschool room. They have a chika chika boom boom tree with letters, a reading nook, train table, piano, block area, pretend area (dress up?) and Geotrax set up on the floor. It's awesome. Bulletin boards for daily info and for art projects, posters about reading, just awesome! The dining room looks like a dining room with two stuffed bookshelves in it. Time for change. Big Kid deserves a good schooling classroom!

*Update* I tore a tendon in my right foot while moving furniture and books. It's pain like you can't imagine. I am extremely independent, and stubborn. I had to crawl in tears to my computer to email my husband to please come home and take me to the emergency room :( A word of advice - ask someone for help instead of doing it on your own when you choose to rearrange a room full of heavy furniture! The "new" school room flows so nicely, the apple red walls are an awesome background for our posters and such, and the twins now have a bookshelf and Big Kid has a bookshelf, each dedicated to just school items. I love organization. I know, I'm strange. At least the room looks nice, and I can now walk with an ace bandage and a boot on my foot. With a lot of pain.

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